Artikelnummer: | 300 |
Beschikbaarheid: | Op voorraad (103) |
Levertijd: | NL and BE 1-2 dagen - Rest van Europa 2-8 dagen |
Maak je eigen natuurlijke acrylverf met ons geheel nieuwe, eerste in zijn soort, plantaardige acrylmedium. Natural Earth Paint acryl medium is gemaakt met natuurlijk archiverende ingrediënten om een permanente, waterbestendige en niet-vergelende afwerking te bieden die kristalhelder opdroogt. Natural Earth Paint acryl medium is echt niet giftig en er zijn geen schadelijke toevoegingen, stabilisatoren of zware metalen toegevoegd*!
Eventueel kun je ook kiezen voor de kant en klare acryl verf Natural Acrylik Paint.
Net als conventionele acrylmediums, heeft dit medium veel toepassingen waaronder:
U kunt eindelijk met vertrouwen schilderen, wetende dat er geen schadelijke additieven, stabilisatoren, zware metalen of andere giftige chemicaliën zijn toegevoegd. Verpakt in een glazen pot van 473 ml (16 oz).
- Natuurlijke acrylverf - meng met onze natuurlijke aardepigmenten om uw eigen natuurlijke acrylverf te maken die perfect is voor gebruik op canvas, papier, stof, hout, steen, gipsplaat en metaal. Elk pigment heeft een andere chemische structuur, dus de hoeveelheid die nodig is om te mengen, zal variëren, maar over het algemeen heeft elke volle pot acryl ongeveer 4oz-5oz pigment nodig.
- Natuurlijke textielverf - meng met pigmenten om de enige natuurlijke, permanente en waterdichte textielverf op de markt te maken.
- Natuurlijke vernis - verzegel schilderijen, hout en andere knutselprojecten. Werkt uitstekend als een beschermer over onze Earth Paints.
- Natuurlijke lijm voor mixed media of collagekunstwerken.
- Schoonheid - Verbeter de diepte van kleuren, transparantie, textuur en vloei van andere acrylverf.
* Dit product is een unieke formule die jaren in de maak is geweest, dus de specifieke ingrediënten zijn eigendomsinformatie.
Q: How do you mix acrylic paint? |
YOUTUBE LINK: (mixing acrylic medium) - |
Q: If this is acrylic, isn't this still just plastic? |
A: Conventional acrylic is made with petrochemicals and host of other toxic additives and preservatives. Our medium is made with a completely plant-based resin and non-toxic ingredients. It does, however, create a final finish exactly like acrylic in that it is water-resistant, super durable and will not biodegrade. If you are interested in a fully biodegradable paint, please try any of the other paints we offer (oil paint, Natural Earth Paint, etc.) or paint recipes in our resources page. |
Q: What is the natural acrylic medium made of specifically? The website just says it is plant-based. |
A: The acrylic is a unique formulation that we have spent years working on creating, so the specific ingredients are a proprietary recipe. I hope you understand that we cannot share specific ingredients however we can say that all ingredients are plant-based and non toxic. Please let us know if you have any other questions. |
Q: How does NEP acrylic compare to conventional acrylic paint? Is it archival? |
A: This medium behaves exactly like conventional acrylic medium and will create a very durable, archival, solid paint film. The only difference between this product and conventional acrylic medium is that this one is made with plants and non-toxic ingredients whereas conventional is made with petroleum and toxic additives. But both end up with a solid, archival acrylic film. |
Q: How long does your acrylic medium take to dry? |
A: 15-45 minutes depending on humidity levels |
Q: Does the acrylic dry stiff or is it flexible? |
A: The acrylic dries with a durable yet flexible finish that allows paper or fabric to curve and bend. |
Q: How high can I heat the acrylics? (maybe in reference to screenprinting or heat treating) |
A: 100 °C boiling point or 212 °F flash point |
Q: Can the Natural Acrylic Medium be used as a size to seal the canvas? I was hoping I could use it in lieu of the polymer-based sizing. What would be the possible strikethrough and stiffness of using your medium? |
A: Good question! Yes our Natural Acrylic Medium behaves just like conventional fluid acrylic mediums and can be used in the same way. When sizing a canvas with it, the strikethrough should be none and the stiffness moderate, but I encourage you to do a small test first as we don’t make this product specifically for a size or gesso. Thanks, and have fun! |
Q: How long does it last in the container? |
A: It has a 2 year shelf life in new condition. Once opened there are many variables that can affect the amount of time it stays good so we can't give a firm timeline on how long it will last. To get the most longevity, avoid leaving it open for long periods of time, avoid using/storing it in a sunny location, and ensure it is not contaminated with other products. |
Q: What do you use as a preservative? |
A: The name of the preservative in the medium is proprietary, but it is non-toxic. The medium itself has a minimum 2 year shelf life in the jar. |
Q: Once the acrylic is mixed with pigment, how long will the paint be useable? |
A: It depends on the pigment. If you mix them and immediately store them in an air tight container or tube, they will last 6 months - 1 year, depending on the pigment since each pigment dries at different speeds. |
Q: How much coverage can one expect to get out of each jar? |
A: In our testing, we go 16sf of coverage using 3oz of mixed acrylic paint, so we estimate an entire 16 oz. jar should yield 90sf of coverage. It can be thinned a little with water to extend it if needed. |
Q: How much pigment is needed to mix an entire jar? |
A: The chemical composition of each pigment is different, so the quantity required will vary, but generally speaking, each 16oz jar of acrylic will require 4oz of dry pigment. |
Q: Is the acrylic biodegradable? |
A: The natural acrylic does not biodegrade or compost because it is meant to be a durable, permanent paint. It will break down over a very long period of time like conventional acrylic paint though. If you prefer a biodegradable paint then a better option would be our Complete Eco-friendly Oil Paint Kit, our Natural Earth Paint Kit, or any recipes on our website (watercolor, gouache, egg tempera, etc.). These paints will be permanent and archival as well (if kept indoors away from elements) but if they are thrown away or left out in the elements, they will turn back to earth. |
Q: Which paint do I use to paint rocks outside that is permanent and biodegradable? |
A: The most permanent/ water-resistant option for outdoor rock painting would be the Natural Acrylic Medium mixed with earth pigment. But that's not biodegradable - it will stay on the rock and not wash off. The "Natural Earth Paint" is a water-based craft paint that works well on rocks, is completely biodegradable and will wash right off if gotten wet. If you want to make it last longer, you can varnish the rock with our "Natural Varnish" which is also biodegradable and food-based. But both will eventually wear off if gotten wet regularly. The oil paint would only work if you "primed" the rock first with a gesso or any primer. It is also biodegradable and would be more durable than the "Natural Earth Paint". Another water-based and more professional quality paint than the "Natural Earth Paint" would be our "gouache paint recipe" on our recipes page. Let me know if any of that doesn't make sense. If you prefer a biodegradable paint then a better option would be our Complete Eco-friendly Oil Paint Kit, our Natural Earth Paint Kit, or any recipes on our website (watercolor, gouache, egg tempera, etc.). These paints will be permanent and archival as well (if kept indoors away from elements) but if they are thrown away or left out in the elements, they will turn back to earth. |
Q: Can the acrylic be used on baby or childrens toys? |
A: Yes, it is very durable yet safe. Once applied, please wait a week before giving the sealed toys to the baby in order to make sure it's completely cured and dried. At that point, it is safe for children as it will be a completely solid, durable coating. However if it is soaked in water for long periods of time (like in a bath tub) the film will soften so avoid that. |
Q: How do you clean up the acrylic? Can it be washed down the drain? |
A: Cleanup can be done with hot water and soap. It has been certified safe to wash down the drain and will not damage pipes. However we recommend throwing away used paint in the trash rather than pouring large amounts down a drain. Washing brushes out in the sink is completely safe. |
Q: I was wondering if the natural acrylic medium contains gluten? I have celiac, so I want to avoid a reaction. (Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye, malt, and spelt,) |
A: The acrylic does not contain any of those ingredients and is considered gluten free. |
Q: Acrylic Ingredinets? Is it Safe? |
A: Yes, I completely understand wanting to know every ingredient in what you're using but this product was in development for many years with 3 different chemists and is not protected or patented in any way. We're having to keep the ingredients trade secret until we have patented it. It's made with a plant-based resin and several other 100% non-toxic ingredients and as with all of our products we guarantee it's safety. Yes, it is safe for children to handle and have against their skin. He would just need to make sure it was fully dry. It is also fine if they put it in their mouth if it's fully dry. |
Q: I’m very allergic to acrylic. As I write this my nose is stuffed up and my eyes are watering and I feel a lot like I do when I use regular acrylics. I was so very excited about getting this new product and I’m sure it’s a wonderful product but there’s just still something in it that my immune system doesn’t like. Can you help? |
A: The only ingredient that actually evaporates off of the acrylic besides water is the "Eco-surf" which is a biodegradable and safe surfactant. That's also the ingredient that has the smell that people ask about. Some super sensitive people might possibly have a reaction to that evaporating but it is not toxic at all. Our supplier is going to contact that surfactant company to see if they have another version of it for chemically sensitive people. |